Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Understanding the Roles of Uranus, Neptune & Pluto Simply and Easily in Horary and Natal Charts

Traditional astrologers erroneously believe that outer solar system planets and bodies are not personal, and therefore irrelevant for horary (and sometimes even natal) interpretation. The belief is based on the exceedingly irrational idea that the further a body is from the Sun, the less personal relevance it has. (And yet they will consider fixed stars important, which aren't even part of the solar system.) Many astrologers still think in terms of cycles, and dismiss the outer body symbolism as generational, if they take it into account at all.

They couldn't be more wrong on all counts.

These are the astronomically accurate zones of the solar system:

To be fair, ancient astrologers didn't have the technology to be aware of anything beyond the naked eye. To be honest, there's no reason to continue to utilize such an outmoded system in astrology, because there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that it yields more accurate horary or natal interpretations. In fact, the evidence indicates otherwise, as modern astrologers have demonstrated repeatedly in their case studies.

The astrological reality, horary or otherwise, is that if a body revolves around the Suna person's symbolic life force (natal) and occasional significator or dispositor in horaryit's a part of the querent's life. As such, below are simple explanations of how the major outer zone bodies operate in a chartand their deeply personal symbolic effects.

UranusWhatever you think will happen, won't. Or as Michael Lutin often puts it, if you count your chickens when Uranus is involved, they are sure not to hatch. It is something which happens that you absolutely never even considered, because you were so sure it was going to be something else.

NeptuneHope, with its eternal twin, disappointment. Disillusion often helps us find ourselves again, and gets us back on track. 

PlutoNot a planet, but a Kuiper Belt Object. Pluto's symbolic effect is to embody the thing(s) you are positively, absolutely sure you can't live without, and then are grateful to be rid of when said thing(s) are inevitably annihilated from your life.

ErisAnother Kuiper Belt Object, bigger and as important as Pluto in a chart. Eris shows long-term strife and discord based on the house, aspects and sign it occupies, and especially when affecting a significator (horary/electional) or the Sun and Moon (natal) or an angle (both). Eris is very different from Neptune's apathetic discontent; Eris is an active and fiery agitator of the chronic issue (based on house and aspects) that just won't go away.

ChironA Centaur that shows where in life the person feels most like a leper. It is a person's own deep and personal inferiority complex, either real or imagined. Especially pay attention to Chiron in relationship horary charts, and particularly now, since it's conjunct Neptune, which drives the wound(s) deeper.