Sunday, January 13, 2013

In Horary & Event Charts, the Void-of-Course Moon Can Be Overcome By Other Factors In the Chart: Two Employment Event Charts

The querent had two job interviews lined up on consecutive days. Both were with the same employer: city government. She really wanted the second job because it paid more, but would be happy with either. Here is the event chart for the first job interview:

In this chart, the significators are Venus = Querent, and Quesited = 6th & 10th houses, because the position is a part-time and temporary nature (6th) with a city government (10th). So the rulers are Mercury (6th) and Saturn (10th).

Venus, the querent's ruler, is in detriment by house. Her only applying aspect is a quincunx to the ASC, showing it won't be as financially rewarding as she'd like. Venus disposits to Jupiter retrograde and in detriment in the first.  Also, the South Node in Taurus in the first and dispositing to Venus shows it's not the best position in the world for her, but it's not that bad either. It also has the potential to progress into something better when Jupiter turns direct at the end of January 2013. This is affirmed by the intercepted Vertex (a turning point) in the 6th house dispositing to Venus.

So with the querent's significator unable to help her much, (and according to traditional astrology, considered void-of-course because Venus won't make any other aspects before changing signs***see note below), let's see if other factors in the chart can.

Via Combust Saturn is in the 6th house with Mercury ruling the cusp. The Saturn-Pluto mutual reception somewhat mitigates the Via Combustion. Mercury disposits to Saturn, and the intercepted (and Via Combust) Vertex (indicating a turning point) disposits to the querent's ruler, Venus. So this is a strong indicator of her being hired. It is affirmed by the Moon in Virgo, dispositing to Mercury, on the 12th house side of the 6th house cusp.

But..but...but...the Moon is void-of-course, you say. Nothing will come of the matter, or the status quo will continue, or the chart is unfit to be judged, the traditional horary texts say.

Ignore them.

The MC is applying to partile trine the Moon, further indicating a done deal. Finally, the Moon is about to progress in the chart into Libra, dispositing to the querent's significator. The Moon is three degrees away from the ingress into Libra, indicating a quick hiring decision will be made.

This is the event chart for the second job interview for a different position with the same employer on the following day:

The significators are Uranus=querent, Quesited= 6th & 10th because like job #1, the position is of a temporary nature (6th house) with a city government agency (10th).

Right off the bat, this chart has problems:
  • Late degree ASC with Uranus in the first squaring Pluto in the 11th is bad news. Lunar aspects are a square to the Sun-Pluto conjuction, which is squaring the Querent's ASC ruler, Uranus, forming a separating T-square. (Also note: Pluto is not combust the Sun, because Pluto is a Kuiper Belt Object, not a planet. Therefore, it is too far away for the symbolic concept of combustion to be applied to it, since it can't be seen by the naked eye, anyway. This is true of all KBO's, SDO's, and other objects further towards the Oort Cloud.)
  • Uranus is mutually recepting Mars, but moving Uranus to the 12th house doesn't achieve anything for the querent, so the MR is lost.
  • Moon in the 7th shows the employers are leaning toward other candidates rather than the querent. (If the Moon were in the first it would indicate they are favoring the querent).
Jupiter, the employer, is retrograde and in detriment by sign and house. The employer is not internally or publicly expected to make the deadline on the project, nor is it expected to be successful (Jupiter quincunx Mercury-Sun-Pluto stellium in the 11th). The querent is actually dodging a bullet by not getting the job. 

Venus in the 10th isn't doing much for the querent except showing that it would be a financially beneficial position. She'd still get paid whether the project succeeds or not.

As far as lunar aspects, the Moon squares the Sun-Pluto conjunction, quindeciles Uranus (querent's ruler), sextiles Venus and then quintiles Mercury and Pluto before going void-of-course. So there's nothing the Moon is doing to connect this job to the querent, and the quindecile shows her worrying about that fact after her interview.

So what was the outcome? Three days after the first interview, the querent was offered and accepted the first job, and went to work the following day after accepting. So yet again,  traditional horary myths (strictures against judgment) bite the dust.

***Traditional rules are ignored by modern astrology, in this case because Venus/the Querent is still semisextile the MC, and is already in an out-of-sign sextile with Neptune. Venus is also in a grand cross with Pallas, Ceres and the Moon, affirming that the position isn't the best, financially.

Since modern horary utilizes ALL aspects, and the angles (and asteroids, KBOs, and other things traditional astrology disregards, etc.), planets are pretty rarely considered void-of-course. ALWAYS look at what the chart is actually doing, rather than what ancient rules dictate.