Monday, November 14, 2011

Horary Repeats Itself Via Transits

Just because a horary question is posed does not mean the issue inquired about resolves itself immediately upon being answered. Life has to play itself out, and so does the chart. This is where using transits in horary is invaluable, because you can see when the "nerve" will be struck next.

In the example below, the inner chart is the original horary question about whether a woman would keep her job, as she was having problems with her boss.

Jupiter, representing the querent, recently was squared by Mars to inflame the matter, and Mercury (the boss) is quindecile Jupiter/the querent, causing the querent to stress and obsess over what to do. The boss/Mercury is separating from Sun combustion, and is in skitzy Libra. The Moon, co-ruling the querent is separating from a sextile to Pluto, and sitting right on the Pluto-Jupiter midpoint, so the querent should hang tough and weather the intensity of the storm, as she'd come out okay.

So the querent hung tough--until a month later when the transiting Sun opposed her ruler in Chart 1 (original horary question), prompting another horary question about the same matter, Chart 2 (outer wheel).

In the 2nd chart (by itself, below), note the early degree rising again--the matter has a long way to go until resolution.

The Moon-Uranus conjunction is showing the antsyness and restlessnes on the querent's part to overthrow the boss' chains (Lilith opposing Saturn). The querent is exalted Saturn so overly-dignified in strength as to be laughable. It is semi-squaring Venus, her boss, again, showing the friction in addition to the Sun-Jupiter opposition by transit from Chart 1. But this time, clearly the querent has more power than she believes, and demonstrated such at an event a few days later where she received much acclaim for her participation. The boss/Venus in the 2nd chart is now in Sadge, and more favorable toward the querent after the successful event.

But what of extremely exalted and powerful Saturn at Spica ruling the early degree ASC? A new job opportunity presented itself to the querent, giving her the chance to change her circumstances in her job--on her terms. By weathering the Jupiter storm in the first chart, opportunity presented itself in the 2nd. (In chart 2, note the late degrees of the Moon, it's dispositor Neptune, and Mars, ruler of the 4th, showing the ending of this position and the likely new beginning--0 degrees Capricorn ASC--as the beginning of something better. As in the querent having more control over her fate, rather than being at the whims of a scattered boss.)