Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pt.1 Anarchy, the Astrology of Uranus Square Pluto, and the Aftereffects of Occupy Wall Street: Part I: What Happened--the OWS Event Chart

Part I: What Happened--the OWS Event Chart

This will intersperse the OWS Event Chart with the Mundane analysis in Bill Herbst's commentary  to again underscore the microscopic view available in an event chart in addition to the broad mundane view Herbst presents.

Part I--What Happened: The OWS Event Chart

The dispositors in the OWS event chart show exactly who's in charge and eventually who prevails in the specific situation. Bloomberg and Wall Street and their cronies representing the 1% are symbolized by Venus in Rulership in Libra in the 10th house of power. The exalted Moon disposits to the 1%'s Venus. Pluto/the protesters disposits to Saturn, which disposits to Venus/the 1%. Notably, Mars disposits the Moon, the protesters' co-ruler, which disposits to Venus/the 1%. That's a pretty tough hand to beat.

To top it all off, the signature of the chart is a T-square involving Uranus-Pluto-Venus, with the outlet leg in the 8th house of the financial services world. Security, power, money and disruption are all front and center in the chart.

The Pluto protesters are intercepted in the 2nd house (Pluto's detriment) of individual/personal finance with Jupiter retrograding back to trine them and give them a huge boost through youthful enthusiam and idealism, not to mention the generosity of others (donations, etc.). The Moon ruled the sequence of events in addition to the aspects occurring to Venus/1% and Pluto/Protestors. So what happend based on the activity in the chart, particularly the Moon's aspects?

The first phase or sequence is bracketed in red above. This is where the protesters got their publicity (Moon septile Uranus and trine Sun) after being ignored for much of the first two weeks of the movement. It also drew in unions and many other groups sympathetic to the cause. Then the Sun sesq. Jupiter, creating a friction, enhanced by the Moon parallel to Mars, which was the first attempt of the 1% to take action by planning to clear the park under the guise of cleaning (Sun in Virgo; Jupiter in the 6th house where it is in detriment). Additionally, the Moon paralleled Mars, showing the overzealousness of the police.

After the park cleaning debacle, Venus then biquintiled retrograde Jupiter in the 6th (dispositing to Venus), showing that as long as the day-to-day business operations of the 1% weren't affected, such as shutting down the NYSE, bridges, strikes, etc., the group would be somewhat tolerated. Not to mention, the whole world was watching.

Then the Moon squared Neptune, and the third and final phase began (blue bracket). After the massive marches, the Oakland eruptions, and the Nov. 5th "Move Your Money" successes (Moon biquintile Pluto in the 2nd house of personal finance), Neptune, ruler of the 4th house of endings and completions, went direct and the momentum of OWS clearly began to dissipate, emphasizing the square.

So Herbst's assessment that OWS was just a bunch of people standing around bitching is categorically unfair. OWS can easily take credit for two important actions: uniting large portions of the populace via the "We Are the 99%" campaign to participate in the need for change, despite the incorrect assumptions that the protesters didn't have a clear message, and getting people to switch from banks to credit unions. That's hitting the 1% where it hurts, because it directly affects the bottom line of the banks. People saw they COULD get a financial conglomerate like Bank of America to back off the debit fees without having to blow up a building or overthrow the government to do it. And can do it again in the future. It also is spurring offshoot movements, like Occupy Foreclosures.

Finally, with the Moon sextile Mars (ruler of the police) in fall at the dead degree of Cancer and intercepted in the 8th, the end came with the swift punishment of shock and awe (Uranus in Aries in the 4th). OWS and other camps across the country were raided in the middle of the night (Mars intercepted in the 8th) with full military protocol (Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Cap/the protesters). As Adbusters editor and OWS founding organizer Kalle Lasn stated in the WashingtonPost:

"Bloomberg’s raid was carried out with military precision. The surprise attack began at 1 a.m. with a media blackout. The encampment was surrounded by riot police, credentialed mainstream journalists who tried to enter were pushed back or arrested, and the airspace was closed to news helicopters. What happened next was a blur of tear gas; a bulldozer; confiscation or destruction of everything in the park, including 5,000 books; upward of 150 arrests; and the deployment of a Long Range Acoustic Device, the infamous “sound cannon” best known for its military use in Iraq."

Thus putting the exclamation point on the Moon-Mars sextile before the Moon went void of course, bringing OWS to a close. But that's all 20/20 hindsight. Let's look at the upcoming transits to see what's going to happen.

OWS was only the opening salvo of the first of seven passes of the Uranus-Pluto square from 2012-2015. You ain't seen nothing yet.